Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Turkey Day Cometh

One more work day before the festival of gluttony.

Tonight I'm planning to make pumpkin pie. I love pumpkin pie.

I am about 1/3 done with the second item in my weaving project. If I work on while cooking tomorrow I should be able to get all the weaving done. I looked for buckles last night at JoAnns but I didn't find anything that would work. If I don't find the ones I already purchased by Friday I'll have to think of another way to fix them or maybe I will be able to find something this weekend.

We will see what tomorrow brings, but not until later.


Liz said...

If TJ is merchanting he might have something. I was wondering if you would like to display said items with my said items in the A&S display this weekend?

Giulia said...

Uhm - Sure - as long as we don't need any documentation. I haven't time to write anything up.