Sunday, June 17, 2012

And new socks (again!!)

Here is a pic of the new socks for Tour de Sock.

 Sorry about the blurry picture.  I took it with my phone so I could turn it in as soon as I finished. And I haven't made any time to take a new one.

This was the third yarn choice I made for these socks.  The first yarn was a tad heavy (knew that going in, but I decided to try anyway).  I couldn't get gauge.

I have some acid green and purple I bought to make socks.  Even though it wasn't intended for this project I decided - 'Oh, why not.'  It won't cake - that's why not.  The purple was a complete mess off the skein so I threw up my hands and went back to the stash.

I left the purple mess until I finished the socks.  I have spent the last three days (more or less) untangling purple yarn.  That is done - so I decided to try to cake it.  I'm on the third attempt (today - I made at least 3 attempts the first time before it was such a mess I gave up) to recake it and it's still not a nice cake.  Yarn is slipping out of the cake top and bottom and rolling up over the top. After this happened a couple times I dug out the old ball winder (the gears are going so I replaced it) and still not good.  This allows me to pretend it's not the ball winder (right?!) I'm seriously considering breaking out the nostepinne.  I have, however, lost all interest in knitting this yarn.  What kind of a mess with that make?!!

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