Saturday, September 09, 2006

Finally - Pictures!

Finally have the desktop computer up and running. We'll have the wireless up soon (I hope).

Here are my SP8 gifties. They are so nice! First the lace shawl pattern and yarn. There was also candy (but I ate it) and a book light (it's in the car). I will have to wait (impatiently) to start until the house is more settled. Right now my knitting has to be the not mentally challenging variety. But the end of the remodel is in sight!

And the final package which is most excellant:
There are RED HOTS! hiding in there! I can't wait to start reading the book and knitting the fair isle socks (you can't really see the pattern very well). They will be so beautiful. Or I think I might use the lovely blue and purple yarn to make the Friday Harbor socks from Knitting on the Road.

I haven't managed to find time to do more than fondle the other yarn - but I think there should be mittens or a hat or a scarf from the other yarn. Winter is coming. They are predicting warmer weather with freezing rain - I'll need nice mittens for scraping ice off the car windows. I'd rather have feet of snow!

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